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CountEasy TS IP Support

CountEasy TSIP_nocash

With its ground breaking touch screen technology, the new CountEasy TS delivers greater cash handling efficiencies than any other count by weight scale in the world. And yet it is so simple to operate that your staff will need virtually no training to use it.The addition of an integrated printer means that you can print out a hard copy of the count for signing by the cashier, to provide an audit trail and greater accountability.

Like your mobile phone or tablet, the high resolution full colour TFT screen only displays those functions that you need when you need them. Universally recognisable iconography and intuitive design mean that complex functions can now be performed easily by operators.

Six times faster than counting by hand, the CountEasy TS is ideal for speeding up spot checks, cash lifts, banking, shift changes and end of day reconciliation. The integrated printer allows the cashier to sign a hard copy of every count, providing a clear audit trail.

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